Thank you for visiting my website.
For nearly 16 years, I’ve had the pleasure of being your delegate and senator working hard to get REAL results for our community.
It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. As such, I have worked tirelessly to ensure prompt and thorough constituent services. I have routinely worked with the State Highway Administration to install needed traffic lights, signage, pedestrian crosswalks, and separation barriers between neighborhoods and the ICC, as well as, small but important things like trash clean up on state roads.
I regularly work with our state agencies to connect my constituents to the services that they need and that their taxes support.
Working to bring state grant funding to our district and throughout Montgomery County for non-profit agencies, that provide critical services to the public and our residents in need, is always a priority.
Our government officials should be accessible and understanding of the needs of the public and must be resolute in their efforts to best represent them.
In that regard, I have sponsored and personally written many successful bills to help improve the lives of all of Maryland’s residents.
Many times I have prepared legislation after meeting with a constituent(s) who has experienced a personal problem. If, after researching the issue, I determine that legislative action is the best method to address the concern, than I work on preparing an appropriate bill.
When I first arrived in the legislature in 2007, I realized that our state had much work to do in providing needed protections and services to our senior and elderly residents. Through my efforts, and with the strong support of my colleagues from across the state, we have turned that around and Maryland is now the undisputed leader in the nation in providing strong and effective laws to protect our seniors from the con artists and scammers and to help our elderly age in place, in the comfort of their homes.
Protecting all animals and particularly our loving companion animals, cats and dogs, from abuse and suffering has been a hallmark of my efforts in Annapolis. We are leaders in the nation in fighting against the cruel and inhumane puppy mills, as well as, prohibiting painful and dangerous practices by irresponsible dog and cat breeders.
Working with my colleagues, both Republican and Democrat, I have been successful in passing bills to; improve energy efficiency across the state; provide important consumer protections; create transparency and accountability in government; support our public employees who provide the invaluable services that keep government functions running and make our communities great; ensure assistance and job opportunities for our friends, neighbors and family members with physical and developmental challenges; fight the big tobacco interests to protect non-smokers from the dangerous and deadly effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and passing legislation to make the parks and recreation facilities in Montgomery County, smoke free.
Fighting against the powerful liquor interests, I successfully sponsored the strongest drunk driving legislation in the nation. Known as “Noah’s Law,” it was named for Police Officer III Noah Leotta who was struck and killed by a drunk driver while he was working to protect our community. This legislation requires the use of an ignition interlock for all convicted drunk drivers and provides strong incentives for thousands more, charged with drunk driving, to enroll in the ignition interlock program even before they have gone to court.
Please take your time to look at the successful legislation that I have worked on to ensure that Maryland is the finest state in our nation to live, work, play, raise a family, and yes, grow old!
I will continue to seek passage of those bills that assure equality for all of our residents, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or nation of origin. I will never stop fighting to protect a woman’s right to make decisions about her reproductive choices. Protecting the most vulnerable and providing a helping hand to those in need will always be a priority of mine, and I will work continuously to provide environmental safeguards to protect our planet and communities for generations to come.
It is a pleasure to serve you in the Maryland General Assembly and I thank you for trusting me to get REAL results for our community.
I hope that I have earned your vote for the State Senate.
Best Wishes,
Ben Kramer